Within this world, there is one undeniable and absolute truth that stands firm above all others: LADDERS. ARE. BUILT. TO. BE. SCALED!

This truth has stood firm since the dawn of time and will outlive the very gods themselves!

Now, you are not just tasked but entrusted with following this noble custom of your forefathers. You must scale this ladder, overcoming every rung with determination and courage!

And as any great climber knows, you must also keep 4 points of contact on the ladder as you move. Use the mouse to pull your currently selected limb (or head) into position and click to grab on once you've found a solid rung to hold on to  (indicated by your limb turning green).  However, some rungs are farther than others, requiring you to adjust your other limbs to reach them.

P.S. yes this game is very hard, but I promise it is beatable. While I'm not sure if it's possible to get completely stuck, you can reset the level by pressing "R." Also, if you just wanna see the levels, you can press "N" to move to the next level.

Thanks for playing.


  • Mouse: Move the selected limb toward the mouse's location
  •  Click/Space: Lock the selected limb onto its current location 
  • R: Reset level
  • N: Skip to the next level

This game was made in vanilla Javascript over about 48 hours. If I continue working on it, I plan to stabilize the limbs so they shake less, design more levels, and add different difficulty modes based on how much the player's limbs can stretch.

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